Why have vietnamtrips.com

Why have vietnamtrips.com

From personal experience, we realize that there are a number of problems related to the different culture, language barriers, limitations and lack of necessary information of one new destination or country that can strongly affect our traveling experience. Therefore, vietnamtrips.com was founded with the mission of providing and sharing the most accurate - complete - detailed - updated information from a local traveling lover to assist tourists to have the best experiences when traveling to Vietnam.

What does vietnamtrips.com offer

What does vietnamtrips.com offer

- Vietnam and Vietnam’s regional climate information including: temperature, precipitation, number of sunny hours in a month,... and traveling tips. - History, culture, festivals, cuisine,... associated with the tourist destination you are aiming for. With the experiences and information we have, you will somewhat better imagine a picture of local life. Based on that, we can choose the activities that suit our preferences and budget. - Tips for you when traveling or typical cultural features, working activities and daily activities of indigenous people.